Nut - the Egyptian Sky Goddess

One of my personal favorites of the ancient Egyptian pantheon is Nut the sky goddess.

Narmer - the First Pharaoh

Pharaoh Narmer, also referred to as Menes, is often called the first pharaoh of the first dynasty of a unified Egypt. There is debate as to whether or not Narmer actually existed, or if he was simply the pharaoh archetype designed to represent the ideal king.

Role of the Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt

The pharaohs of ancient were kings (and queens), yes, but they were really much more than that. The pharaoh was the symbolic father of all of the citizens of Egypt. It was believed that the pharaoh was a direct relative of the sun god Ra (basically the father of the other gods), so it makes sense that one of the pharaoh's main duties was to care for his people as a father cares for his children.